Countdown to Whartscape: T-7 Andy Abelow
To celebrate all things Wham and Whartscape, we asked some of the artists performing to answer five questions. Andy was our first test subject. Stay tuned for tons more in the week to come.
Andy Abelow is all the fuck over the Baltimore scene, loosely dubbed “the Greatest Scene in the World” or “the Scene that Reads” by Rolling Stone. Like many in the musical circles of Charm City, he is an artistically polygynous multi-instrumentalist…going it solo as well as performing with many other acts including Jana Hunter and Bob Keal-fronted Small Sur (whose delightful debut album drops later this year).
If all this wasn’t enough, he clearly counts Elvis Perkins (one of my favorite artists to emerge in the past 10 years) as a source of inspiration.
Andy performs his fractured oft haunting take on folk rock at the 2640-situated Friday night show during Whartscape. A slew of other folk-influenced rockers fill out the bill including Jana Hunter, Beach House and Arbouretum. A show that likely shouldn’t be missed, sure to be filled with transcendent moments of beauty and clarity. Plus 2640 Space is sweet.
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MP3: Andy Abelow – Not of this world
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MP3: Andy Abelow – Waking up with easy eyes
Enjoy this music from Mr Abelow and read on to his answers!
1. Describe your feelings on Wham City and what it means to you?
I admire how the collective has matured over the years, becoming a malleable monster of creativity. It’s a pleasure to collaborate with such talented, funny, and motivated people.
2. Describe your feelings on Whartscape and what it means to you?
I moved back to Baltimore one year ago after a 3 year period of rambling up and down the east coast. (Before that MICA)
Whartscape was the first “show” that I came to in Baltimore after my return. It was so awesome, and so fun to see the culmination of what my friends and friends to be had been up to. I wished to play the next years Whartscape, and here I am!
I will be playing in a total of 6 different acts, 5 of which are on Friday at 2640. In addition to playing my own set, I have several parts in A Murmured Tale, and will accompany Wheatie Mattiasich, Golden Age and Jana Hunter on various instruments. On saturday I will be playing saxophone with Ed Schrader for a couple of songs in his set. I didn’t expect that I would be so heavily participating in this years festival, if even at all; but I’m psyched for the challenge of keeping my focus throughout the night. I would recommend for the Friday show that everyone get there on time in the beginning (5:30 doors, show starting promptly at 6pm) because the first act of the night is a wonderful musical (A Murmured Tale) that you wont want to miss if you buy or bought tickets to this night. A Murmured Tale is a stunningly beautiful original adaptation of the pre-Disney version of Little Murmaid – complete with haunting, refreshing songs and whimsically dancing, sea-clad beauties. Needless to say, this is only one out of eleven stellar acts performing that night. So stick around folks!
3. Describe your feelings on Baltimore and what it means to you?
Baltimore is the place of old and new friends. It used to feel like a trap, but now it feels like a nice springboard. Perched above a giant ocean of opportunity.
4. Come up with a snappy tagline/mantra/motto for one or more of the following: Baltimore, Wham City and Whartscape.
“The Long Island Iced Tea of Artscape spin-offs”
5. If all Whartscape performers were required to don some sort of costumage, in the spirit of Baltimore, Whartscape and Wham City, what would yours be and why?
I feel like everyone should just wear the outfit that makes them feel the most comfortable and resilient at the same time. I don’t have an exciting answer for this one. Personally, I’ll probably wear a Toga. KIDDING!
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andy abelow is a golden god!
Whartscape couldnt be Whartscape without Artscape. It’s a wonderful event all around!
Artscape couldn’t be Artscape without ANDYABELLOW, it would just be “rtscpe” which sounds totally retarded.