
Countdown to Whartscape: T-2 Thank You

Thank You are currently well-poised. SIgned to Thrill Jockey like Arbouretum, Pontiak and so many others, they recently released their J. Robbins-produced latest effort Terrible Two to warm reviews from all the typically curmudgeonly outlets (I’m looking at you Pitchfork).

Their special sauce? A particularly dis-equilibrated, frenzied mix of blistering punk guitars, electronic noise and melody, driving, demonic rhythms, primitive vocal utterances and a slew of other madness-cultivating sounds. It would seem manic is the new black this season. And everyone wants in.

Thankfully, I bought into it ages ago. So I have no qualms loving on Thank You. Jeff McGrath took some time to partake in our little min-terview series. Read on and enjoy this track!

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MP3: Thank You – Empty Legs from Terrible Two

1. Describe your feelings on Wham City and what it means to you?

I think it’s great, however, I may not have a total grasp on what it exactly is…but it seems like a good thing to me.

2. Describe your feelings on Whartscape and what it means to you?

I think it’s great, so many great bands and a really nice gesture moving the whole thing.

3. Describe your feelings on Baltimore and what it means to you?

I think it’s great, the sound of the word “Baltimore” is really nice. I’ve always thought so, but aside from that it’s a terrific place to live and always has been. I don’t think you can remove the city as an influence from the music and art that it’s people create, which is a given of metropolitan cities. That’s not to say that things here sound or look alike, just that there is some shared feeling or thread which is really inspiring.

4. Come up with a snappy tagline/mantra/motto for one or more of the following: Baltimore, Wham City and Whartscape.

Baltimore: A word with a nice ring to it.

5. If all Whartscape performers were required to don some sort of costumage, in the spirit of Baltimore, Whartscape and Wham City, what would yours be and why?

If it was required, I may have to be disqualified. Or I may dress up as Jason Urick from WZT Hearts dressed as Dracula.

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