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Album Review / Contest: Morrissey – Years of Refusal (Lost Highway)

morrissey-years-of-refusalCourtesy of Filter Magazine, we have one 12″ vinyl copy of Years of Refusal to give away to one lucky winner.  To sign up to win, just comment this review or email us. We’ll randomly choose a winner Fri Mar 13. Morrissey plays the Warner Theatre in DC on Sat Mar 14.

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MP3: Morrissey – It’s Not Your Birthday Anymore

One of the trickiest things to do is weigh in on an icon. While I steadfastly maintain that feigning any sort of objective position to critique art devoid of personal experiences is folly, the hazards of bias and personal baggage are exponentially amplified when dealing with pivotal and popular figures.

Morrissey (Wiki), lead-singer from a little band known as the Smiths, is such a figure.  But if you’ll indulge me, I’m going to attempt to brazenly traverse this minefield of my mind and give some thoughts on his latest release, Years of Refusal.

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