Boogaloo Times: A Discourse on Funk and Soul – Pax Nicholas & Seattle Funk
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- MP3: Ron Buford – Deep Soul Pt. 1
- MP3: Annakonda – Wheedle’s Groove
- MP3: Black on White Affair – Auld Lang Syne
Funk ain’t what it used to be.
In their early days, funk scenes compiled as fast as trash in city wastebaskets. Each town had a somewhat distinct and independent scene, the fruits of which were destined to remain either in the caring hands of obsessed collectors or in the unexplored depths of record store bargain bins. As of late, many local funk bands boast more success based on their novelty value in hotel bars than their artistic credibility–a damn shame seeing as both soul and funk offer musical insights untouched by more popular genres. Granted, it’s difficult to look at a 6-piece funk outfit, wacky vocalist and all, as an artistic statement. Plenty of patrons even fail to make sense of the message when it’s easy: “Get Funky.”