The Mae Shi – HLLLYH (Moshi Moshi)
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MP3: The Mae Shi – Run To Your Grave
During my first year at college I stopped believing in reality. I was no longer convinced that the world I inhabited would continue spinning after I died. I lost faith that there was an absolute reality around me. Ever since, every action that I took had the bitter aftertaste of meaninglessness, with few exceptions. One such exception was the live show that the Mae Shi put on at the Velvet Lounge in DC this summer. From the minute they waded through the crowd shouting, “I want almost everything, and I get almost anything I want,” to the end of their seemingly timeless set, I believed in reality. It didn’t matter that the guitar was too loud, that you could hardly hear their highly caffeinated shouts, because by the end of the show nobody in the crowd wanted the Mae Shi to leave the stage. Really. We wouldn’t let them leave. Read the rest…