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Thrushes Interview (w/ Casey, Rachel, Ryan & Anna)

This past Monday night I had the distinct pleasure of going up to visit the residence of and chat with Baltimore’s most elite, sorta-shoegaze-but-really-not-so-much, songbirds in Thrushes.

Situated between Hamilton and Lauraville, the only house on the block with the porch light on makes everything feel like family and home before I even step inside. And that continued as the door opened to the guys and gals lounging in their living room around a box of brownies, with their feisty and adorable dog Heidi and a bottle of red wine.

You can tell Thrushes love what they do and love doing it together. They are a band that functions like a family-unit of the closest friends. And that bodes really well for listeners and their music.

Full interview after the jump. And enjoy this demo of their song “Trees”, courtesy of Casey and crew!

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MP3: Thrushes – Trees (Demo 5-3-07)

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