Photos: Los Campesinos! @ the Ottobar (2008.01.15)
Los Campesinos! kicked off their tour in Baltimore this past Thursday at the Ottobar. This seven-piece band from Wales managed to pack the Ottobar with a crowd who was very excited to see this band play.
Unfortunately, violinist Harriet Campesinos! was unable to travel due to illness; yet playing as a 6-piece, they still surprised the audience with a song sung from the floor, a climb up the side wall towards the balcony and an end to their set with some crowd surfing from stage.
It was no surprise that the audience demanded an encore!
Titus Andronicus from New Jersey is touring with Los Campesinos! and is certainly an opener worth catching. They were every bit as energetic as the main act, so if you plan to catch this show along the tour, make sure you come early to catch this band as well!