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Interview / Audio Premiere: Double Dagger (w/ Bruce Willen, Denny Bowen, Nolen Strals)

double-dagger-1Aural States, in association with Thrill Jockey, are proud to host the premiere of “The Lie/The Truth” from Double Dagger’s upcoming full-length, MORE.

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MP3: Double Dagger – The Lie/The Truth

Disclaimer: Double Dagger is one of my favorite bands.  And on top of that, they’re exceedingly friendly guys.  So with great relish I met up with them pre-practice this past Saturday afternoon at the Copycat and we proceeded to discuss past, present, future and everything MORE, their first release with their new label Thrill Jockey, which drops on May 5.

Also, the boys have some shows lined up this week:

march-18-double-daggerWEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 (TONIGHT)
Towson, MD / Celebrated Summer Records
w/ Masshysteri (from Sweden, ex-The Vicious), Deep Sleep
All ages! 8:00 PM. (limited capacity)

Brooklyn, NY / Market Hotel
w/ Future Islands, Teeth Mountain, Liturgy

Philadelphia, PA / Danger Danger Gallery
w/ Future Islands, Reading Rainbow, Hot Guts

Baltimore, MD / Zodiac
w/ Future Islands, Child Bite
21+ only. 9:30 PM. $3 cheap!

Aural States: Let’s start with a brief history.  The abbreviated version of how Double Dagger started.

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