
Photos: Aural States Fest II (2010.01.30)

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Photos by Josh Sisk

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Photos by Shantel Mitchell

I wanted to take this moment to just briefly thank all who came trudging through the snow for this night, particularly the audience and performers. Apologies for all the technical hiccups, but all things considered, I think the fest overall was fairly successful given extremely extenuating circumstances. Enjoy the photos from the talented and tenacious Shantel Mitchell and Josh Sisk.

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One Response to “Photos: Aural States Fest II (2010.01.30)”

  1. Nate says:

    Cool photos. Still so bummed I missed Thrushes, but it took almost 2.5 hours to get up from DC, sigh. Lands and Peoples, Office of Future Plans, and True Womanhood were all great.

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