
Sound Off!: Solar Powered Sun Destroyer


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MP3: Solar Powered Sun Destroyer – Ghost Light (Live on WMUC)

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MP3: Solar Powered Sun Destroyer – Intromission

Some of you may or may not remember me gushing a bit about SPSD when they opened for Appleseed Cast at Sonar a few weeks ago. Even more remarkable, and something I may have neglected to mention, is that the show was one of their first ones back after a massive line-up overhaul.

Seems even more people have hopped on the fan-wagon this week as, in anticipation of their show tonight at the Black Cat, DC blog DCist conducted one of their Three Stars spotlights on the fellas.  I’ve said pretty much all I desire to at this point, so go back and read that review and enjoy the above cuts (thanks to SPSD for kindly letting us host them).  I will likely gush a bit more when they open a phenomenal bill at the Talking Head on May 8 with Aural States regulars and Aural States Fest alums Caverns and a little band called FRODUS headlining.

If you are in DC tonight, do head over to the Black Cat Backstage, where SPSD will open for Tera Melos.  $10/doors @ 9PM.

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3 Responses to “Sound Off!: Solar Powered Sun Destroyer”

  1. It’s probably me, but I can’t get “Ghost Light” to play. Unless something else comes up, I’ll probably be at the May 8 to tape Caverns…not sure if I’d stay for SPSD (saw them at WMUC, but wasn’t feeling it…Imperial China played that night as well and killed it!).

  2. Greg Szeto says:

    hey jeff, i suspect spsd will play before caverns on that bill. ghost light is working on my end, both link and stream player. can you save file as?

  3. If that’s the case, I guess I would be there for SPSD, though the Talking Head calendar implies Caverns as the opener.

    Not to hijack this post, but you should put together a show in Baltimore with Caverns and Imperial China…getting those two up here is a chore.

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