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01. MP3: Death Domain – A Pox on You from split tape with High Marks (2008)
02. MP3: Death Domain – Ethidium Bromide 2
There’s a lot of good going on in Baltimore tonight, particularly in Station North with the release parties for Height With Friends’ Baltimore Highlands Remix Album at the Windup, and Jason Urick’s Thrill Jockey debut Husbands at the Hexagon. But for something a little more under the radar and farther towards the extreme end of the spectrum, you should look westward to AMERICA.
Now, I’m going to say at the start, there’s a little authorial bias here.
Death Domain aka Adam Stroupe is a science nerd and, like me, wears it as a badge of honor. The name of his apocalypse-heralding solo project says as much (death domains are stretches of amino acids found in proteins that signal for apoptosis, programmed cell death). And let’s not get started on the bevy of overt scientific references saturating his songs’ titles (“A Pox On You,” “Vampyroteuthis infernalis,” “Toxoplasma gondii“) and lyrics.
To my ears, his sound is perhaps the most deserving of the ultra-vague, tongue-in-cheek designation of future shock. If you take novelist Alvin Toffler’s definition, “future shock” is merely a twist on “culture shock,” essentially defined as the disorientation arising from the speed of change. And DD’s music is undoubtedly one of the most bewildering, disorienting yet magnetic and infectious slices of downright bleak takes on synth-based dance music. So welcome this wayward son home from tour tonight when he stops off at AMERICA with tourmates Cult of Youth and a host of others from the House of Tinnitus venue/collective in Denton, TX.
Crucial details:
AMERICA, doors @ 8pm
122 S Stockton St (a side street, between Lombard and Pratt, in the perpendicular, and between Carey and Carrollton, in the parallel)
CULT OF YOUTH – Neofolk in the tradition of Death in June. These guys and gal barely play outside NY. Snagged them after the last date of their tour!
DEATH DOMAIN – Criminally overlooked local synth-based non-organic onslaught. Cold, catchy and clinical. Lamentations of the future-present.
LYCHGATE – Grim harsh noise from Denton, TX. Power electronics without the courtesy of misanthropicscreamers.
ASHES – On tour with Lychgate; also from TX. Like-minded harshness. Think FFH, Grey Wolves, Ahlzagailzehguh. Ashen colored nihilism.
CORPORATE PARK – Part of the TX noise package. Self-proclaimed back stabbers. Think Pedestrian Deposit, Burmese, Throbbing Gristle and where the best place to find a leather zentai suit would be.