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Video: Aural States presents So Percussion @ the Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

Ed. note: Here’s hoping you all have a great time ringing in the New Year. Thanks to Guy (Vimeo / YouTube) from the Metro Gallery, you can also reflect back on a great night of live music from 2009: our fall showcase headlined by So Percussion this fall. Unfortunately, Microkingdom’s set was lost due to technical malfunction.

So Percussion 10/28/09 from Guy Werner on Vimeo.

Check out Gestures and the True Vine Trio after the jump.

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Live Audio: The True Vine Trio @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionThe True Vine Trio
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

MC Schmidt-electronics, percussion, vocals and stuff
Jason Willett-electronics and stuff
Owen Gardner-guitar/effects

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)

Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump.

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