Photo credit: Nate Dorr
Vows (Shaun Flynn of WZT Hearts)
The Hexagon
Baltimore, MD
October 16, 2009
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)
Download the entire set as: FLAC or MP3
Stream or download individual MP3s below:
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1. Endless Concentric Void of Diamond Shapes
Lineup:Zomes>Dustin Wong>Vows>Jason Urick
Album Release show for Jason Urick’s Husbands
Sound: Josh Atkins
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MP3: WZT Hearts – Title Unknown from The End, Part Two: The Beginning, the Wham City compilation (2007).
Oh no! WZT Hearts is done. So says City Paper’s Noise blog today. Bummer. But I was wondering how long the long-distance thing would last with Jeff aka NoTendo up in NYC and others scattered about.
Good luck to everyone, and we can’t wait to hear the Jasonx2 project!
WZT Hearts produce some of the most glorious noise you can find around Baltimore. They create soaring, blistering and expansive soundscapes awash in electronics, feedback and drone. Their set on Saturday’s outside stage for Whartscape shouldn’t be missed.
Read on as laptop extraordinaire and Floristree-resident Jason Urick takes time to reflect on our Wham and Whart questionnaire.
And enjoy these tracks off their 2007 Carpark release, Threads Rope Spell Making Your Bones.
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MP3: WZT Hearts – Hearth Carver
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MP3: WZT Hearts – The Den
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