Interview: Lo Moda (w/ Scott Braid, Raili Haimila, Gillian Quinn, Peter Quinn, Christian Sturgis, Antony West)
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Lo Moda are a rarity around these parts. An unrelenting entity of intensity, something more unique, more thoughtful and ruminative, than the vast majority of other artists currently operating in our regional sphere.
Their music is truly emblematic of the futility of standard genre classification in modern music, as your brain contorts itself reaching for synonymous elements here and noting parallels there, struggling to find the precise verbiage to describe something that at its core, can only speak for itself. It’s about the alchemy of artists coming together and organically creating, the push-and-pull of each individual settling into an equilibrium not unlike sediment gently falling onto the ocean floor.
The members of Lo Moda cover a wide range of ages, but their artistic maturity is matched perfectly. Their minimal sound is one of the most enrapturing I’ve ever come across. It would be a mistake to miss their show tonight at the WindUp Space. They are celebrating the pending release of their latest album, Replica Watches along with Thrust Lab, and Miracles. Thank Peter Quinn and the rest of the band for generously sharing the track “Anonymous Cats” (above) exclusively with us at Aural States.
I took some time earlier this week to visit the Quinn residence and chat with Lo Moda in a free-for-all interview.
Aural States: How did Lo Moda come about?