The Ottobar
Baltimore, MD
December 22, 2008
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)
Lineup:At Last Atlantis>Caverns>Pandas>Imperial China>Albatross
Sound: Rob Girardi
Download the full set as a ZIP file formatted in: FLAC or MP3
Streaming MP3s after the jump. Read the rest…
Standing in line for the Mates of State show at the Ottobar, freezing, I overheard the door guy ask these girls if they were going to remove the waffles before they opened doors. I thought: remove the waffles??? One of the girls replied: “No… the waffles are part of our show.” Immediately, I was intrigued. I was here to see Mates of State, who I was really looking forward. They produce such a great sound and I have heard that they are just as good live as they are recorded. However, I had never heard of the opening acts (Avocado Happy Hour and Brother Reade). As I made my way up to the stage, I was surprised to find a table fully loaded with waffle makers, whip cream, and cups of chocolate chips. As the music began, the girls got to work cooking waffles and before too long, the entire Ottobar smelled more like a diner then a bar! After a few songs, waffles were offered to the crowd.
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Colour Revolt is playing Ottobar tonight. They are my cronies from Mississippi, and they are making some very unique music that sounds strangely disjointed from said southern, conservative locale (while still containing plenty of violent, biblical imagery). Listen to their “southern gothic” rock tonight, and then head upstairs for 2-4-Tuesday!

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MP3: Colour Revolt – Naked and Red (Daytrotter Session)
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MP3: Colour Revolt – Moses of the South
Something is better than nothing, right?
I’m not talking about the music. I’m talking about this review– which is completely biased, filled with personal context and therefore very very professional. Getting blacked-out and headbanging is good journalism, right?
I’m going to make this a pretty short write-up, and I invite anyone to leave their thoughts on the show, as mine are pretty much irrelevant.

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Atlanta, Georgia’s Deerhunter is a ridiculously amazing concoction of garagey, psychedelic-rock ear candy, and they’re coming to the Ottobar on November 3rd. I must admit I am jumping onto this bandwagon way way wayyy late, but after the nuclear fallout of hype, I have completely fallen for them.
I’ve heard nothing but good things about their live show, so this one is not to be missed, my friends.
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MP3: Deerhunter – Fluorescent Grey
Ok, Fluorescent Grey (above) isn’t the BEST example of a Deerhunter song because it’s a bit more structured than the majority of their stuff– but GOOD GOD DOES IT BRING THE ROCK (be patient, young ones).
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MP3: Deerhunter – Microcastle
Here is the title track from their newest release, the full length Microcastle. Download and enjoy. If you’re into ambient psych-mellowness plz also check out Atlas Sound, frontman Bradford Cox’s solo project.
[Author's Note: this is a dual review. Alex is doing part one, and I'm finishing it up. let us know your thoughts, plz. thx!]
Opener riot grrl group Kill Meow, were, well named Kill Meow, and sold thongs at the merch table. I guess that speaks for itself.
Baby Venom, as I have said before, was a surprising treat to stumble upon. I had doubts about the live show, and there were some slips-ups (a pedal failed, some awkward transitions, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed). As a whole the set was impressive. Perhaps that is not the right word—the set was endearing.
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The Tokyo Police Club was the last Myspace secret show I attended. That was back in April, and at the old Davis Street location of the Talking Head Club. This time around the Myspace street team kept a much lower profile, and the logos were minimal at the Ottobar.
The Tokyo Police Club show was lackluster on many fronts, and definitely lacking any sexiness. This was not the case for The Kills, as vocalist Alison Mosshart definitely got hot and heavy over top Jamie Hince’s guitar and drum machine double team. At one point she sat atop a speaker, grinding in mock lap-dance mode. And it is always nice to read sexy description, but why do that when you can look at sexy pictures?
All photos: Josh Sisk

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Debate night or Tegan and Sara sapped much of the pull from this show, which should have been substantial. The night featured a killer set from local mainstays Bad Liquor Pond (captured here by the Baltimore Taper), a spectacular set from Baltimore lush-rockers Thrushes (probably top of their game, which is ironic since they are on hiatus now until next year to regroup the loss of their drummer Ryan Sterner) and a charming set from recent hype-darlings Glasvegas.
Bad Liquor Pond was really in the groove, nailing their mid-tempo blues-n-psych as I’ve never heard them do before. Thrushes was firing on all fronts, sweeping and grandiose waves of emotions swirling about enough to make anyone woozy. Sadly, they were cut criminally short…just before they were to premiere some new material. Glasvegas put on a set that was the epitome of showmanship, a mysterious and heady immersion hewed from the same cloth as Thrushes, namely the Phil Spector set. The stage was pitch black and minimally lit by nearly exhaustive red dwarfs hanging above the stage and brief and brilliant flashes of white strobe, lending them a bit of a supernatural, otherworldly silhouette fitting for their spacious and reverbed-out, dark pop compositions.
Enjoy the photos from our newest photo contributor Ryan Creel, shooting in the difficult black hole lighting situation.
All photos: Ryan Creel
Bad Liquor Pond

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MP3: The Kills – No Wow from No Wow (2005)
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MP3: The Kills – Fried My Little Brains fromKeep On Your Mean Side (2003)
The SWEET scoop:
Myspace Secret Shows Presents: The Kills
OCTOBER 6, 2008
Doors @ 8:00 PM
@ The Ottobar
2549 N Howard St
Baltimore, MD 21218
(410) 662-0069
This show is first come and first served. So get there early and stay in line.
Check out Baby Venom along with the Vivian Girls (already shouted-out) October 1 @ the Ottobar.
We here at Aural States receive a surprising amount of music to review, or at least I find it surprising given that our blog hasn’t existed for more than a year, and our original goal was to possibly get into some shows for free. And, as has been stated before, a surprising amount of that music is decent, but most of that music comes through online promotions companies. Sometimes we are given music directly from an acquaintance, or someone that somehow knows about our involvement with Aural States.
These encounters make me cringe, because I usually have a pre-existing relationship with the person, and I don’t have the nerve to honestly tell them what I think if the material is poor. I generally try to avoid these situations. So when my friend Dave (Coldspring Lane food service unite!) gave me a CD-R of his band’s EP, I was bracing for the worst. But I should have known better. Baby Venom has a solid pedigree. Needless to say, I was surprised (there is that word again) by the inventiveness of the group. Read the rest…