Stripped down punk warmth, courtesy of the Thermals
I have a confession. I am addicted to Portland’s most-prominent purveyors of earnest, politically charged punk, the Thermals. I drove to NYC this past August to catch them with Ted Leo in the basin of NYC’s largest pool, drained, in the middle of McCarren Park.
I didn’t want to tell Ted, but I was there more for Hutch and Kathy.
Behold, the latest Daytrotter session here. Wherein the Thermals are doing their thing. Albeit with a little less of the frantic, lightspeed tempo of their reputed live shows.
And apparently, with hints of what the new album will sound like…and I personally cannot wait. Couple vids off The Blood, The Body, The Machine for you after the jump.
Has dissent-punk ever been this endearing, heartfelt and fun? And during this election year, has it ever been more needed?