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Live Review: The Sour Notes, Moss of Aura, Fearsome Creatures @ Metro Gallery (2010.01.07)

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MP3: Moss of Aura – Never

The Metro Gallery was understandably vacant two Thursdays ago. After all–it was a weeknight, substantial storming had been predicted, and, to top it all off, an unfamiliar group (Austin’s The Sour Notes) was headlining. To put it lightly: the present viewership didn’t exactly make performing worth the artists’ while. But that doesn’t mean the night was uncomfortable or awkward. I’d actually say that the lack of occupancy had quite the opposite effect.

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Video: Aural States presents So Percussion @ the Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

Ed. note: Here’s hoping you all have a great time ringing in the New Year. Thanks to Guy (Vimeo / YouTube) from the Metro Gallery, you can also reflect back on a great night of live music from 2009: our fall showcase headlined by So Percussion this fall. Unfortunately, Microkingdom’s set was lost due to technical malfunction.

So Percussion 10/28/09 from Guy Werner on Vimeo.

Check out Gestures and the True Vine Trio after the jump.

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Photos: Thrushes, Sick Sick Birds, The Art of Shooting @ the Metro Gallery (2009.11.06)

Flickrshow will appear here!

Sound Off!: Sick Sick Birds


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01. MP3: Sick Sick Birds – Your Machine
02. MP3: Sick Sick Birds – Hearts & Their Minds

Sick Sick Birds open for Thrushes tonight at the Metro Gallery.

You might have noticed that tweens have a bastardized derivation of a once sacred screed from an Exploited album title: “Pop punk’s not dead.”

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Live Audio: So Percussion @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionSo Percussion
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

Josh Quillen
Adam Sliwinski
Jason Treuting
Eric Beach

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)

Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump.

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  1. Music for Pieces of Wood* (by Steve Reich)
  2. Extremes (by Jason Treuting)
  3. Drumming (by Steve Reich)

Lineup:Holofcener-Zeiders>Gestures>Microkingdom>So Percussion>True Vine Trio
Show presented by Aural States
*with Adam Rosenblatt
Sound: Adam Cooke

Live Audio: Holofcener-Zeiders @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionHolofcener-Zeiders
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

Adam Holofcener-laptop
Jeff Zeiders-laptop/midi controller

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)

Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump

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Live Audio: Gestures @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionGestures
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

Bob Chapman-trombone
Jon Lebovitz-tuba
Rebecca Mills-clarinet
Mark Cisneros-drums
Jess Matthews-drums
Kriston Capps-sax

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)

Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump

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Live Audio: Microkingdom @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionMicrokingdom
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

Marc Miller-guitar
John Dierker-bass clarinet
Will Redman-drums

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)


Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump

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Audio / Contest: Thrushes, Sick Sick Birds @ the Metro Gallery (2009.11.06)

Thrushes Sick Sick Birds flier

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Thrushes – Juggernaut early mix.

Thrushes have once again dropped some mana on us here at Aural States.

Not only are we exclusively previewing an early mix of the track “Juggernaut” from their forthcoming album Night Falls, but we’re running a contest for their show with the far-too-rarely-seen Sick Sick Birds, the always rockin’ Baby Aspirin and Brooklyn’s The Art of Shooting next Friday Nov 6 at the Metro Gallery.

To enter, listen to “Juggernaut” and give me 1 or 2 words that either nicely sum up your thoughts on the track, or best represent your knee-jerk reaction to it.

Here’s the swag that goes to one lucky commenter:

  • 2 guest list spots
  • 1 limited edition vinyl copy of Thrushes’ debut Sun Come Undone
  • 1 new design t-shirt
  • 1 copy each of Sick Sick Birds’ LP Heavy Manners and their two 7″s

All the prizes will be picked up at the show.  A winner will be chosen next Wednesday based on any number of subjective criteria.  Let’s hear those witty words of wisdom.

Live Audio: The True Vine Trio @ Metro Gallery (2009.10.28)

So PercussionThe True Vine Trio
Metro Gallery
Baltimore, MD
October 28, 2009

MC Schmidt-electronics, percussion, vocals and stuff
Jason Willett-electronics and stuff
Owen Gardner-guitar/effects

Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (jm292@yahoo.com)

Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC

Stream and download individual tracks after the jump.

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