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MP3: The Harlan Twins – White Light from The Harlan Twins (2009)
Over the past two years, The Harlan Twins have gained a reputation among everyone from the hipster set to the aging folk-rock cognoscenti as the best band in Pittsburgh, resulting in scenes like the overflow, sell-out crowd at the unveiling of their self-released debut disc
this past summer.
Covering ground from Allmans-esque jams to subdued high-lonesome folk and beyond, the band casts an eye to a century’s worth of Americana influences without letting it contain their creativity or enthusiasm. Be no more surprised to see a banjo or mandolin appear than to be immersed in swirling loops or pummeled by a bone-crushing deconstruction of an ’80s goth classic. James Hart lays down some of the finest guitar leads you’ll see anywhere while he and Carrie Battle trade off tailor-made Appalachian-tinged vocals. Their allegiances here won, it’s time for the Twins to get on the radar of roots-rock enthusiasts everywhere.
The Harlan Twins perform at Golden West Cafe in Baltimore on Fri December 4 and at Cafe Nola in Frederick on Sat December 5.
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01. MP3: Dark Party – Status from Light Years (2009)
02. MP3: Mux Mool – Nausican from Just Saying Is All (2008)
I’ll be up in Boston this weekend to catch Built to Spill’s run at the Middle East.
But I’m regretting it as there are some stellar shows happening. Wye Oak is opening for Blitzen Trapper at a mammoth Saturday Ottobar event. Following the show, everyone’s favorite DJ Jason Willett will be hosting the after-party at the Golden West.
Tonight though, all eyes should be on the Hexagon who hosts a phenomenal Moodgadget-anchored orgy of dance music, courtesy of local label Environmental Aesthetics.
Out of towners Dark Party and Mux Mool bring electronic dance bliss (lush with hip-hop beats and influence) to the Hexagon, while opener Cex blasts you with his particularly visceral brand of electronic and beats-master Mickey Free lays down some rhymes. This is easily a can’t miss show.
1105 W. 36th St
Tickets 6$ in advance, $8-$10 night of
$20 for all four nights.
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MP3: Crazy Dreams Band – Separate Ways
Thursday, August 20
Crazy Dreams Band
Jana Hunter (purportedly last Baltimore show of the year!)
Young & Rusty presents his Cocaine Sex Jams
Brian Adam Ant
Friday, August 21
Lo Moda
Ed Schrader
The Matrimonials
Benjamin Pranger (Payola Reserve)
Zach Kaufman
Saturday, August 22
Old Thunderheart
the Midnight Society
Sunday, August 23
Macgregor Burns & VCR
Mickey Free
Boner Jamz
Child Bride