Live Review: Pixies @ DAR Constitution Hall (2009.12.01)
Ed. note: The photos from this review are from the first of two consecutive nights, while the review is based on the second.
All photos: Shantel Mitchell
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MP3: Pixies – Dancing the Manta Ray from Doolittle 20th Anniversary Live Sampler
The whole entire-album-in-one-concert trend has been derided as an attempt by artists to cash in or dumb down the concert experience to something as predictable as pushing play on your iPod. The Pixies had flashes of both at their show in Washington on Tuesday night, where they dusted off Doolittle and its B-sides. But then you remember, “Oh yeah, this is the f-ing Pixies,” and you count your blessings for being able to see what turned out to be an awesome show.