Album Review: Benjy Ferree – Come Back to the Five and Dime, Bobby Dee Bobby Dee
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MP3: Benjy Ferree – Fear
Benjy Ferree’s (Wiki) first album hinted at a promising future. He is one of a sizeable stable of musicians undertaking the fusion of a deep love of Americana with an unabiding passion for rock. Too often this leads to uninteresting and unsatisfying ends: pale imitations of rural folk, gimmicky and trite psych-folk meanderings…the list of mediocre iterations is endless. But the top tier of these artists are possessed of uncanny arranging ability, an ear for dynamic interplay between vocal and instrumental voices, and a unique alchemy that lends the music an unclassifiable quality that breaks the shackles of its influences.
To my ears, Benjy Ferree is one of these top tier talents.