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Your metal spring in Baltimore

Okay, okay.

I’ll be upfront – I know next to nothing about Metal. My boyfriend likes a bit of metal, so I can only recall names of CDs I see on our collective shelf. I can tell you what I like, but not really why. My credentials are next to none: I’ve seen Mastodon a handful of times. That’s it.

Anyway, from what little I know, early May is going to be pretty big for Metal lovers in Baltimore.

Meshuggah (Sweden) , Ministry (Chicago, Illinois) , Hemlock
April 26th
Rams Head Live

Baroness (Savannah, Georgia), Converge (one of my personal favorites –A.S.), Genghis Tron, and The Red Chord
May 1st

Pelican (Chicago/LA), Circa Survive, Thrice
May 6th
Rams Head Live

(videos and such after the jump)

Meshuggah – New Millenium Cynide Christ (the boyfriend’s fav. Meshuggah song)

The whole song, with a youtube fanboy video can be seen/heard here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZvPM9D4hws />
Ministry – Jesus Built My HotRod

Baroness – Wanderlust

Pelican’s Last.fm website with lots of streaming MP3s (no videos)

This is what happened in 2003 when Converge played the Ottobar: