The Pleasant Livers are a bewildering and unique experience. Dense, abrasive, and ultimately rewarding. They played a ferocious set, tearing up the talking Head.
Pleasant Livers
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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Photo credit: Josh Sisk
Hollywood brought the house down and ended the night just how I planned it. Hard, dirty and thrashy.
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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This was sort of a Make A Wish foundation type moment. Multi-instrumentalist and musical Swiss Army Knife Andy Abelow has always implied interest in having a band. And he assembled a doozy of one for his first time, opening our little fest. I’d like to think we catalyzed a little bit of a dream to come true.
While you’re heading out to the Zodiac this Friday the 13th for Beach House, make sure to stop by the Windup Space and catch Andy’s set, where he will again be backed by a band. You won’t regret it.
Andy Abelow
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump. Also catch some nifty video from Zach Kaufmann from SpliceToday.
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Sick. Heavy. The sonic apocalypse (as tagged by the UK rag Metal Hammer). It could only be Caverns.
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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Long have we sung the praises of DC’s Imperial China, and finally, Baltimore gave them the crowd (both in size and reception) they deserve. Another gloriously kinetic and rhythmic punch to the gut as they bring their live show up a notch and down to the floor, Baltimore-style.
Imperial China
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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DC’s Farley Miller aka CANNOT BE STOPPED surprised a lot of people with one of the most high-energy, intense performances of the night and manages to be that rarity of musician and percussionist wrapped into one individual.
Aural States Fest
Talking Head Club
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: mg sms2000/200 > tascam hd-p2 (oade – acm) @ 44.1/16 bit
Compression: cdwav > flac
Taper: Steve Sanford
Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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In characteristic style, Lo Moda delivered a transcendant performance (probably the best I’ve seen from them). A live show unlike any other tonight or anywhere, a unique alchemy of musical talents specific to a time, a place and a set of extremely talented and diverse individuals.
Treasure this.
Lo Moda
Aural States Fest
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(cards)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (
Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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Sri Aurobindo came prepared to open the Club stage up with a bang, complete with incense and a brand-new album for sale.
Sri Aurobindo
Aural States Fest
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(cards)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (
Download the full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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Andras Frenyo was kind enough to come out to Aural States Fest day 1 and take some awesome panorama shots. Check ‘em out at his website, Panorama Blog. In addition to Arbouretum, Andras also cobbled together panoramas for Wye Oak and Imperial China!
Dave Heumann and the rest of Arbouretum delivered a thunderous and powerful set; one of the best I’ve seen them mete out. Their sound filled the Club room, its weight perfectly matched to the room’s size.
Aural States Fest
Baltimore, MD
January 30, 2009
Also posted to the Live Music Archive
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(cards)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (
Download full set formatted as: MP3 or FLAC
Stream and download individual MP3s after the jump.
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