The Presets just dropped a bombshell of a music video, tracked to “If I Know You” from their 2008 album Apocalypso.
It’s single-handedly one of the most stunningly sublime and beautiful music videos I’ve seen in a long time, with some great (albeit creepily young) dancers. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this considering Julian Hamilton’s history with dance. Absolutely gorgeous and crushing synergy of sound, the visual of dance and some really tasteful video editing and interesting cuts.
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Stay tuned for a Presets prize pack giveaway later this week as well as part 1 of our 2-part exclusive interview!
Sydney’s most notable electro-export in recent years is undoubtedly the Presets. Their debut LP Beams in 2005 is still one of the most convincing testaments to the infinite power of fusing the essence of electronic-driven genres like techno, electro and house with more traditional song structures and pop flavoring to make digestible dance tracks that aim to, and often succeed at, bringing the roof down.
On Apocalypso, Julian Hamilton and Kim Moyes take their sound to a much darker realm. The entire album bears more European influence, consisting of much deeper techno and house grooves along with a more distant, synthetic and cold feel but tones down the oversexualized aspects present in many tracks off their 2005 debut Beams. As a whole, Apocalypso is much more cohesive than Beams, yet suffers from a certain bit of monotony with style and sound.
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All contributors are unpaid volunteers, and as a consequence, we often receive gratis material from artists or venues for reviews. Regardless, we maintain all opinions unfiltered or unbiased to the best of our abilities.
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