The True Vine
3544 Hickory Ave.
Baltimore, MD
Telephone: 410 235 4500
TUES. – SAT. 12 – 9 ( except Wed. 12 – 8 )
SUN. & MON. 12 – 6
march 26th 2010
the true vine & aural states presents KONK PACK, MATMOS & LEPRECHAUN CATERING at the 5th dimension (see the flyer image below for the adress). for those of you who have never heard konk pack: tim hodgkinson (of henry cow, the work & many others), roger turner (amazing british drummer/percussionist who’s worked with hundreds of other fantastic musicians over the past few decades) & thomas lehn (on my top 5 favorite synthesizer player list {funny enough two others on this list are in the 2 other bands this night[tom boram & martin schmidt]}). matmos will be in quadraphonic sound & leprechaun catering will be in disorienting-double-stereo sound. the admission will be a $5 to $10 sliding donation. doors open at 8 pm.
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Konk Pack Excerpt
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The True Vine
3544 Hickory Ave.
Baltimore, MD
Telephone: 410 235 4500
open hours:
Tues. to Sat. 12 – 9
Sun. & Mon. 12 – 6
this is jason speaking. there’s alot to say & not much time to type it but i’ll give it a shot.
today is wed. oct. 21st 2009 & at some point today jad fair’s brother david will arrive from coldwater, michigan to the true vine with a truck crammed full of vinyl for us to sell. jad called me last week to tell me that he & david have decided to sell both their entire large record collections to this shop. both collections have been in storage for a long time & some of these records were from their first record purchasing days in the 70′s.
if you know some history about half japanese then you could imagine as much as i could that there would be some very interesting music in these boxes. about 20 years ago when i had a record shop in frederick, md, david dropped off a pile of amazing records on my desk for me to borrow. everything in that stack was amazing & that was the first time i heard jandek. half of those records were jandek lps. the amount of records between the two of them is easily in the thousands & david’s drop off today will be part 1 of two drop offs. the next will be in about 3 months from now.
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The True Vine
3544 Hickory Ave.
Baltimore, MD
Telephone: 410 235 4500
open hours:
Tues. to Sat. 12 – 9
Sun. & Mon. 12 – 6
Hello! Good to see you!
This update brought to you by special guest Owen Gardner.
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(TELEPHONE: 410 235 4500)
TUES. – SAT. 12 – 9
SUN. & MON. 12 – 6
i’m doing blah blah blah & my life is blah blah blah. now that that’s out of the way, here’s some music: Read the rest…
(TELEPHONE: 410 235 4500)
TUES. – SAT. 12 – 9
SUN. & MON. 12 – 6
hello everyone,
as usual many records have been flying through here & here is just a smattering that i’ll mention: Read the rest…
This time, we’ve got audio clips from new arrivals for our Down the Vine update! Thanks Jason!
(TELEPHONE: 410 235 4500)
TUES. – SAT. 12 – 9
SUN. & MON. 12 – 6
hello there,
here’s some blurbs of about 1% of what’s come through our door this week, just to make a few points in space. but first i will mention an upcoming true vine performance:
live at the true vine
saturday october 18th
daniel will start at 3:00 p.m. during open store hours
when he will stop, nobody knows
there is no admission charge
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The Baltimore institution the True Vine, has lost an owner (Ian Nagoski), razed its inventory and uprooted itself, walking down the Avenue and turning right to settle into its new home on Hickory. So we figured what better time to forge a relationship with such a vast repository of largely oral knowledge and history than this pivotal time of rebooting and restructuring.
In the future, we hope to have some valuable contributions to our musical knowledge and worldview from co-owner Jason Willett. But for a primer, and the month of October, we will have to settle for an update on the going-ons of the business.
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