Livewire: Melissa Moore @ The Windup Space (2010.01.14)
This is a belated posting of an experimental set by Melissa Moore entitled “Wake-making: Ceremony of a Polyrhythmic Biogram.” Her stage setup was a melange of homebrew electromechanical devices; a wavering turntable, a collection of flapping electro-kinetic sculptures on automotive jackstands, a Frankensteinian tableau of electronics, and Melissa sprawled on the floor in the center of it all. She continually rearranged the interconnections between these elements with alligator clips, funnelling signals through tortuous mazes of wire. After settling the circuits down to an autopilot drone, she takes up the guitar and adds pensive, improvised lo-fi meandering to the formula. The overall effect is like a distant African shortwave station struggling to be tuned in across an ocean. Unconventional and dreamlike.
Melissa Moore
The Windup Space
January 14, 2010
Baltimore MD, USA
Streaming player:
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MP3 links:
1. Wake-making: Ceremony of a Polyrhythmic Biogram (36:26)
Total time: 36:26
AKG 414 mid/side pair -> Zoom h4n 48/24 -> Nuendo (stereo encoding, limiting) -> MP3
Recorded by:
David Carter(
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