Running Am-UK with Baby Venom: Baby Venom Shortage Porridge
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MP3: Radiant Dragon – Cloud Seeding
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Sarah: Uncharacteristically silent until now. Queen of Hoxton gave me the willies. The neighborhood, Shoreditch, was awash with trendiness + suits. Bad vibes were just oozing all over.
Queen of Hoxton ceiling art
A very frat boy/Wall Street vibe. Hostility everywhere. Thousands of disco balls making me seasick as I tried to cross the room.
Too Many Flashing Lights! Barf!
After receiving a lecture about the propriety of sharing drums, it was discovered that we had no guitars, no bass, no phallic substitutes to play, just girly-man keyboards. Oh you could just feel the condescending stares from the jocked out techies sporting full sleeve tattoos and gelled up boy bangs.
Not to say that everyone there was a giant asshole. Larry from Radiant Dragon was a peach, very friendly, organized, and an all-around nice human being. Also Jack, the brains behind the show, was quite accommodating and pleasant. I’d share a coffee + pizza with either of these gentlemen. And the sound guy was ok too.
Larry from Radiant Dragon
Although we’d been told we were playing second, we ended up playing first to an almost empty venue. The keyboards were all squished onto one double-tiered stand with me and Dave/Nathan facing each other combat-style. I was a little worried about cracking skulls mid-song. Aggravatingly, we played a fantastic set. The crowd fleshed out a bit as we went on. For once, technical mishaps were curtailed and nothing fell over or malfunctioned. By this point though, I was through with this place and terribly peeved we bothered playing so well. I was looking for disaster, perhaps a reason to storm off the stage in disgust. Instead there were cheers and applause, and my sour mood felt rather unjustified. I hate wasting a good pout.
The headlining act, Girls, from somewhere western and stateside, was so out of my sphere of appreciation that I will decline to comment. The crowd liked them a lot. They would.
we <3 dolly parton
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