Contest: Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings @ Rams Head Live
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MP3: Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings – 100 Days, 100 Nights from 100 Days, 100 Nights (2007)
This is easy as pie. Comment with a reason why you’ve got soul (or you need to find it) and I’ll enter your name for 2 tickets to Sharon Jones (Wiki) @ Rams Head Live next Thursday (May 7). I can personally vouch it’ll be a phenomenal show as I fondly recall being transfixed to the stage by her roaring vocals and the big-n-bold bodied horns of the DAP Kings at Bonnaroo last year.
On May 5th, you can catch a Sharon Jones rarity of sorts, as she covers Bob Marley’s “It Hurts To Be Alone” for Causes 2, the second album in a series from Waxploitation to benefit the work of Doctors Without Borders, Human Rights Watch and Oxfam America (principally their efforts in Darfur). So take the $60 you are saving by winning these tickets, and spend a portion of it on that album.
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WOO. SOUL is rad– i like the old old soul, but sharon jones is good too!
If it were anywhere else, I’d seriously consider going to this show…Sharon Jones/Dap Kings are serious funk.
I’ve got soul cause I’m in touch enough with my lack of soul to know that I need soul.
Since I lack soul, I’d beg for these tickets…unfortunately, I’m enough of a lazy piece of shit that even with free tickets I’d probably still find an excuse not to go. If it were a weekend, that would be a different story. That said, anyone who loves soul and funk and lives in Baltimore should check out this show.