Live Audio: Imperial China @ the Ottobar (2008.12.22)
Imperial China
The Ottobar
Baltimore, MD
December 22, 2008
Source: Peluso CEMC6/ck4(card)>PS-2>AD-20>NJB3
Transfer: NJB3>PC>SF-7>Wav>FLAC
Taper: Jeff Mewbourn (
Lineup:At Last Atlantis>Caverns>Pandas>Imperial China>Albatross
*last song is cut (power failure)
Sound: Rob Girardi
Download the full set as a ZIP file formatted in: FLAC or MP3
Streaming MP3s after the jump.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
1. MP3: Intro
2. MP3: Mortal Wombat
3. MP3: Letter of a General
4. MP3: Bananamite
5. MP3: All That is Solid
6. MP3: Radhus
7. MP3: There is No Translation*
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[...] Der hervorragenden Audioblog Aural States bietet einen kompletten IC-Gig (@ the Ottobar, Baltimore, MD, 22.Dez 2008) in halbwegs passabler Soundqualität zum Download [...]