Why ad hoc street team fliering is not always a good idea…
…or so I was told when I decided to do some impromptu promo leg work for the More or Less birthday party with Ben Parris last night.
It was truly an amazing night. DJ Kel, of More or Less, opened up the night with a solid set, but Ben was the center of attention. The Once.Twice:Sound founder was dropping tracks I’d never heard of before, I don’t know where they came from, but damn those sampled saxophone stabs brought the house down.
Trouble was all the ladies moving and grooving had an affiliation, so to speak. So, a new friend (a recent transplant from Detroit, who was blown away that an entity like the Hexagon could legally exist in a city–that kind of stuff doesn’t fly in Detroit apparently), and I decided to press the fresh and get some people (women) to come up from the area around The Depot, and Club Charles.
We grabbed a handful of really well designed handbills done by More or Less founder Patrick Brander; beautiful graphic design work that would look good simply tacked to a hall as a type of low-budget art. We set off toward The Depot.
In retrospect our plan was naive, but we were having such a good time at the MOL birthday party and just wanted others to share in the experience. We didn’t even get past the door at The Depot before we were informed that this was a “bad fucking idea,” in the sense I was about to get my ass beat for trying to draw away “loyals,” not that “loyals would go to this shit anyway.” Then I was told that The Hexagon doesn’t extend “bartending courtesy” to the rest of the neighborhood. I explained that The Hexagon was BYOB, but this only got the one individual, then the two bystanders, riled up even more. I guess they thought I was being smart with them.
I asked if I might have better luck at Club Chuck, but again, in very certain language we were told to leave. I wanted to get out of there badly. Then, oddly, The Depot ranter, implored me to stay, so that she could tell me her true feelings about The Hexagon, and More or Less. I reminded her that as little as half a year ago, More or Less had a permanent residence in The Depot. Again that was interpreted as me being a smart ass. Then I was told, as if I was being given sage advice, to tell the maker of the handbill that More or Less wasn’t “Baltimore’s only Techno Dance Party,” as the flier stated. She pointed out that The Depot has 80s night, and whatever the goth night is called. I felt like saying the Depeche Mode is synth-pop, and VNV Nation is electronic body music, or maybe even future-pop. So, no those aren’t Techno, which would, in fact, make MOL the only game in town. But I knew better, and kept my mouth shut, and invited her up to The Hexagon if she would like some free pizza.
Three people who were at the MOL party walked by us, and I asked them how they liked the party. The woman walking past me said, “I don’t get down with that drum and bass shit.” Drum and bass?!?
I guess my point is that negativity and violent threats were no where to be found at The Hexagon that night, just people enjoying themselves. And regardless of the number of people that did, or didn’t show up (let’s be honest, when it comes to attendance for MOL parties, it falls in the less category), the people that were there were absolutely going bonkers. Quality, not quantity. That is unless you’re the promoter who has to pay the DJ.
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That MoL party was one of the densest batch of jams I’ve heard in this fair city in a while.
I can’t believe Ben Parris is from Baltimore too. His set was world class! From the moment I walked into that space the music just got better and better. And we danced harder and faster. We didn’t have much choice, really. When you find your happy groove, why leave it?
Be careful with the flyering. I’m sure the Depot will fight tooth and nail for its 10 patrons.
I’m even happier that this event takes place in a non-bar venue. No industry/beer distributors calling the shots.
In my opinion it is bad form to try to draw people out of one club into another the same night. I doubt that the MoL people would have appreciated another club coming through and trying to take their crowd. I am very laid back about putting up other posters for other venues etc. But I would not like it very much is someone came into Metro Gallery and was trying to take the crowd I had worked hard on getting there elsewhere. I want all of the businesses in the area to do well. People go where they want and flyering prior to events is very important. Just my 2 cents.