Countdown to Whartscape: T-4 Parts & Labor
The common thread linking the majority of Whartscape’s massive line-up is undoubtedly explosiveness.
You would be hard-pressed to pick an artist more emblematic of this than Brooklyn’s Parts & Labor. Bearing the marks of hardcore, punk and experimental tendencies, their sound has grown from mostly instrumental to encompass more harmony, more vocals and even horn passages, making them one of the most vital and bright iterations of noise-and-drone inspired music extant.
Parts & Labor will be electrifying your ears outside on North Ave for the last day of Whartscape. Be there. Listen to these tracks and read on for their answers to our pre-packaged Whartscape mini-terview.
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MP3: Parts & Labor – Fractured Skies from Mapmaker
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MP3: Parts & Labor – Voltage from Rise Rise Rise
1. Describe your feelings on Wham City and what it means to you?
Said feelings are warm and fuzzy. It means people we like are doing good creative things together in Baltimore.
2. Describe your feelings on Whartscape and what it means to you?
3. Describe your feelings on Baltimore and what it means to you?
It’s a city between Philly and DC where a bunch of our friends live.
4. Come up with a snappy tagline/mantra/motto for one or more of the following: Baltimore, Wham City and Whartscape.
Go Whartscape, it’s your Whartscape, we’re gonna party like it’s your Whartscape.
5. If all Whartscape performers were required to don some sort of costumage, in the spirit of Baltimore, Whartscape and Wham City, what would yours be and why?
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