Flight of the Conchords – S/T (Sub-Pop)
If you are familiar with the Flight of the Conchords from their HBO show of the same name then you will love this album. You will also recognize all of the tunes because they were all showcased on the show.
Even though the show and the album are closely associated, it would be a shame if their albums were only sold to fans of the show. The reason why the show works is two-fold: one being the characters themselves who are funny and their situations tend to be farcical, the other key element the music, which is actually pretty good.
As I listened to the album, I could recall every episode where a song was featured. But unlike watching it performed on the show, this time I actually listened to the words. And they are hysterical.
My personal favorite is “Boom.” It’s a pseudo-reggae/rap jam where Bret touts his sexual prowess and virility due to his meeting and connecting with a love interest. The next highlight for me is “Hiphopopatumus vs. Rymenocerous,” where our heroes have an old-school rap battle. The lyrics are hysterical and the song itself actually flows really well. If you can get past the fact that you are listening to what has to be the two whitest dudes on the planet rap, it is, in fact, very enjoyable.
“Mutha’ucka” is also another song with a rap/hip hop feel to it. It’s a pretty comical look at how ridiculous “gangsta” rap can be at times. In my opinion, the funniest part of this song is how much it really sounds like they’re saying Mother Fucker.
“Inner City Pressure” is catchy and reminiscent of a number of 80’s rejects. And once again the lyrics (about the pressures of being displaced Kiwis in the Big Apple) reek of sarcasm and cynicism… in a hilariously good way. Rounding out the high-quality songs on the album would have to be “Bowie.” In the corresponding episode, Jemaine dreams he is David Bowie. The song is typical Bowie circa 1970, but once again it’s the lyrics that really catch you.
There are other enjoyable tracks on the album as well such as “Ladies of the World,” “Leggy Blonde,” and “Robots” which surprisingly are about ladies of the world, a leggy blonde and…wait for it…robots. Each of these is enjoyable in their own right and once again the key to their success is their lyrics.
Other songs like “Foux Da Fafa” and “Au Revoir” are ridiculous and should have been left on the cutting room floor.
But overall, the album is a good listen. It works on a number of levels: as the folk band the Conchords profess to be, as the comedy album it obviously is and as an album full of some catchy tunes that you will find yourself singing in your head long after it’s stopped spinning.
Ed note: One of my favorites has always been the faux-sexual, Barry White-ripping track “Business Time.”
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MP3: Flight of the Conchords – Business Time off The Distant Future EP
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MP3: Flight of the Conchords – Ladies of the World off Flight of the Conchords
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It’s Business Time!! My personal fav. My brother’s had this cd a while (he first heard it on NPR) and I just started watching the episodes and they’re so smart. The lyrics are just as smart and the duo works very well together. Who likes to rock the party> New Zealand likes to rock the party! To the break of Boom!
How could I forget about Business Time? You guys are right, its a classic. Boom is still may favorite though. Everytime I hear it I think of the pseudo-video that was done during it on the show. A total classic. Lets all just agree that the conchords are excellent. Maybe the best thing to come out of new zealand since the lord of the rings movies (or would i be showing my geek membership card by saying that).