Countdown to Whartscape 2009: T-5 Future Islands (William Cashion)
Once again, to celebrate all things Wham and Whartscape, we asked some of the artists performing to answer a mini questionnaire. Future Islands’ William Cashion was our first subject.
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MP3: Future Islands – Little Dreamer
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MP3: Future Islands – Pinnochio
Yeah? So what if last year’s Wave Like Home was fully kickass? Who cares if Future Islands are totally Wham City vets? I mean, they only played Round Robin and toured around with Dan Deacon on his last outing. Most of them were in the ensemble, but that doesn’t even count. They’ve been in like, what? Two Whartscapes before? Whatever. Here’s what bassist William Cashion, 1/3 of these synth-poppers, thinks about all of this jazz. </sarcasm>
1. If there’s one single thing, say an essence, that embodies all that Wham City has to offer, what would it be?
- Whartscape is pretty much the embodiment of what Wham City has to offer. Lots of friends, cool bands from all over, performances, jokes, and tons of emails.
2. What’s the best reason to live in Baltimore?
- The music and arts community / Cheap rent.
3. What do you think the chances are of Dan Deacon enlisting every artist performing at Whartscape for his next project?
- Probably won’t happen, too many dudes.
4. What’s your favorite part about Whartscape?
- A year’s worth of bands coming together for one special weekend.